Today someone committed suicide.
Today someone brought a newborn into this life.
Today someone got bitter over a situation that involves family, church or business.
Today someone forgave, turned the other cheek and moved on.
Today someone filed for divorce.
Today someone was married.
Today someone is in need of food but there is none and their body is in starvation mode .
Today in America we have so many food options that we complain when we don't get what we want.
Today a child with Leukemia is lying in a cancer ward wishing they could go outside and play.
Today a child is complaining that they have nothing to do and are bored.
Today someone was let go from their job and are now concerned as to how they are going to provide for their family.
Today someone got a promotion at their job and they are ecstatic about the future
Today someone was told they have cancer and that there is nothing more that the doctor can do.
Today someone was healed completely of cancer and they have tears of joy.
Today someone bought a beautiful new home.
Today someone lost their home.
Today someone was called, "Beautiful."
Today someone was called, "ugly."
Today someone experienced physical abuse but justified their partners actions.
Today someone broke free from the mental and emotional connection they had with their abuser.
Today someone was told, "I hate you."
Today someone was told, "I love you."
Today someone is depressed because all they see are the thorns.
Today someone is thankful for life and sees the roses in spite of the thorns.
Today someone hoarded their blessings and is too selfish to give.
Today someone gave out of their sacrifice and not just their abundence.
Today someone took a risk and is flying high
Today someone let fear get in the way of a great opportunity
Today someone leaned on "Jesus."
Today someone leaned on "self."
"Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way-now lost and confused, now checked in a blind alley. But always God will open a door for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us." By Joy Haney
It's tough isn't it sometimes? We look at our lives and many of us have gone through a lot or are still going through something that seems horrific and we just want it to end like now! Perhaps the storm just passed over and you are finally breathing a sigh of relief as you clutch the bible to your chest for you have learned to lean on Him having gone through one of the most difficult times in your life.
Regardless what you are going through remember that someone else is going through something just as difficult and perhaps even through something worse.
There is a purpose for your life no matter where you are in it.
Try to see the lemonade being made with the lemons.
Try to see the roses that are attached to the thorns.
Try to see the door that is being opened no matter how slow the process seems to be
I have asked myself, "What can I learn from this?" and "What is God trying to show me and/or teach me?" I remember when I went through a really difficult time in my life about 8 yrs ago and someone told me that God was trying to show me something through it. I about bit their head off and wanted to tell them where to go if you know what I mean. I was angry didn't understand and yes I did ask why. But now I am at a place where relationship with Him has taken over difficulties that I have experienced and will continue to experience in the future.
Life is hard I know. Some things I do not understand. Some people I do not understand. Sometimes I just want to shake someone and say, "Suck it up" or "Go get good bible-based counseling and fix yourself." or "Why you always complaining, can't you see how blessed you really are?" I mean I have to talk to myself too sometimes and tell my brain to shut up and ask God to take control over my thoughts. Honey child it's a mind thing and if you do not get control over it-it will control you. What is the "it" in your life that is controlling you? (okay I could start preaching on this "it" thing but do not want to get too far away from my original thought) But sometimes I too just want to jump in and fix it immediately but learning to let God step in and fix me, the other party and the situation. Regardless I am blessed even if I am going through what I would deem as "horrific" and "terrible."
I have HIM to lean on...
Don't forget someone right now is on their death bed wanting to be able to run outside and enjoy life. Get out and make your life happen while you still have breath in your body. You can make it happen, its up to you!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
CA Trip (grab a cup of tea/coffee and go on this journey with me)
We arrived Friday July 2nd and the first thing we noticed was that we could breathe and that there was no humidity whatsoever. I immediately knew I was Home..The weather was simply divine, we loved it from the time we arrived to the time we left that is for sure.
After we packed our luggage into the car rental we went and met my cousin Jeffrey Garner who pastors there in San Francisco.
We went to a little mexican restaurant that was delicio then we went and got Sierra some homemade Gelato ice cream at a Jewish center. Then us adults wanted some good coffee and Jeff took us to Philz coffee. What an experience! They ask what flavors you want, then they mix a variety of fresh coffees together. They then put in what appears to be a turkish type filter and pour hot water over it, then mix with the sweetner you requested and cream. It really was the best coffee Asbel and I have ever had. Asbel ended up buying some and taking it to my parents house where we enjoyed sipping it every morning...
Jeff took us down Lombard Street and Asbel and Sierra thought it was incredible. (Of course I was just happy to be in CA, where the breeze was nice and cool)The views of the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge were just beautiful too. He took us up to Telegraph hill, that was sooo gorgeous! Asbel and I would like to go back when we can take our time and enjoy the nature there.
Before we took off to head to Stockton we got into a conversation about giving, which is something God has been speaking to Asbel/I about. Jeff went on to tell us what they are doing there in San Fran. Every Friday evening they head out to feed the homeless and talk to them about Christ, then Sat night they go to the 600 plus homeless teenagers and do the same. You could hear the passion and burden in his voice, and I knew that Jeff was in the middle of his passion and purpose. What am I doing for Jesus? How am I affecting people around me?
We finally started heading towards Stockton, I was so excited to see my parents! While we were driving to that wonderful haven called, "The Haney Homestead" Asbel and I talked more about being a christian, and what is means to have a relationship with Christ. Basically what matters most in life. Jeff had indeed made an impact on our lives that day.
We finally arrived at our parents house! Yea
Their house is about a 1/2 mile off the road and the yard is like a park surrounded by trees, and flowers, and small swings. You could hear the birds chirping,it was pure nature away from the city life. We were in heaven.
Mother had made an Oatmeal cake topped with coconut frosting that they had when they were over in Scotland the week before preaching at a conference. So she made it for us and poured a tad bit of cream on each piece.Yes it was Phenom!
Saturday was the Haney party at my brother's house and the kids swam and we ate lots of good food. Mother made her famous French Apple pie, and gormet green beans. Sherrie made Homemade ice cream and a pasta salad. Nathaniel made tri-tip on the grill, it was made to perfection. Kim made this grape salad that was delicious. There was so much food, and then Aunt Shirly made choc dipped strawberries. Yes, we were stuffed. But it was so much fun talking and talking and talking...
Asbel told me later that while He, John and Than were talking that They began talking about relationship with Jesus. Than talked about feeding the spirit more than the flesh and that it is a daily battle. He said that Than began to cry talking about Jesus and His relationship with Him and that he himself got choked up while listening to him. He said that he had never met anyone quite like Than and was moved and touched by his realness and spirit.
Throughout the week, we had some amazing talks with my dad and mom. We talked about the elders, and the sacrifrices they made. They always came back to prayer/fasting/faith/trust, always! Asbel and I took in every word that they said to heart. Its like we couldn't wait to talk to them the next morning. We realized once again that these two people lived the life, didn't just live it in the limelight but it was a lifestyle for them. And you know not one time did they say a negative word about anyone....Just a reminder to me that I am responsible to keep my home "free of negativity" and to "filter" what comes in and out of our home. Dad said probably a kzillion times, "We just trust God." and mother said a zkillion times, "God is my doctor." and "pray it through." She reminded me that many people talk to people instead of God about their problems and then they wonder why nothing is being fixed. Her answer, "Well because they are not trusting God but putting their trust in people instead to fix their problem." I learned a lot during the short time we spent with them. I want to be a christian, not just with words but with my actions.
One night we were up extra late, it was past 11pm and we were talking about angels and Gods presence. Mother began telling a story about how she and dad were over in Europe and had lost their tickets. It was a while back and at that time you couldn't just get another ticket. So she and dad arrived at their hotel checked in and went up to their room and then they began to pray, they were desperate. She said that they then went back to the airport and she began to tell the agent the problem but before she could finish her sentence the agent stopped her. She had a strange look on her face and walked away but returned quickly with their two tickets. She said a man in a kaiki suit brought their tickets and told her that they would be coming for for them. (They were not at the original airport where they had lost the tickets, but at a different airport..They were at the Ory airport and had lost the tickets at the DeGaulle airport) mother said that when they got their tickets they went around the corner and she started dancing and jumping because she knew that God had sent an angel and answered their prayer. At the end of the story mother was crying and so was I. We all felt chills it was if we felt the angels in the room that night. They also told us stories about praying for food, and groceries appearing on their doorstep. They told about healings in people's lives because back then it wasn't common to go to the doctor so most people relied heavily on Jesus to be their Doctor and prayed. Dad and Mom were always bringing out interesting stories from the scriptures. One story they told us that got Asbel/my attention. In the book of Jonah God saw their works and changed his mind. What did they do? They prayed, fasted and turned from their sins. (Yes of course we have heard the story a kzillion times but how they brought it out. hmmmm) Mother also told a story about Asa. In II Chronicles 16 it talks about Asa in his young age trusted God for everything but in his old age did not trust God and instead trusted in his physicians. Just a lot of interesting conversations we had with mom and dad.
Since then Asbel and I have said that we are so blessed to have the parents we have. His parents have given just like my parents to God's kingdom, they just did it even when things got tough!
Sunday we went to CLC, and of course I loved the music because I love Laird Sillimon's style. I admit I love Gospel music, it was so good! The service was somewhat patriotic but the "altar call" as we call it really touched me. At the end there was no music playing at all and instead prayer broke out all over. They didn't need music to get them going, it was a moving moment. I remember those days when I was there and was happy to see that they still do happen. CLC was built on prayer/fasting/sacrifice and you still feel it when you are there.
Monday morning we let the kids go play in the water and then went with Sherrie to In and Out Burger where Asbel and Sierra experienced their first In and Out cheeseburger. (I cheated and had one too) Then Asbel requested mother make Coconut Cream pie, and that evening we went home and all enjoyed a piece of homemade pie. Then we went outside where dad was playing his guitar and he and mother began singing. It was so simple but yet you could feel Jesus and Asbel and I began to tear up.
We spent a lot of time with all of the family..We went to Monterey and took Dylan and Sierra with us. They had a blast! We ate at a restaurant that was on the wharf where lots of seals congregated so the kids were loving that. We also found a candy shop where they made peppermint patties that we wished later we would have bought a pound of. The caramel apple Asbel got was delicio. It had white chocolate and cinnamon on it too. We then drove to Carmel, and Asbel fell in love with it. He and I will definitely have to go back and have some one on one time there. It was so beautiful there.
I was able to spend some time with my sisters which was so nice and refreshing. We created some wonderful memories. Then I spent a few hours with a good childhood friend, Connie and we laughed alot and tried to solve the problems of the world.
Thursday us girls and mother went to Jackson for Liz's birthday. We piled in dad's big truck and took off and went shopping in the little town, and then we got homemade fudge. Asbel and Sierra went with dad to the mountains too. He took them to see papa/nanny Haneys grave and gave them the full history of our wonderful heritage. Asbel ended up taking some video of it, and Sierra took a lot of pictures.
Thursday night we went with Liz and John to dinner for Asbel's birthday. It was a little quaint restaurant in Lodi and then we went and bought some homemade pastries there on the street that is called, "Farmers Market." We then went to their house and made coffee and ate pastries and talked and talked till really late.
Friday morning mother made her famous homemade Cinnamon Rolls....Need I say more, again phenom!
Friday night was Liz's surprise 40th party at Dave Wongs, a really good restaurant in Stockton that is quite popular. She was so surprised, she really didn't know. It was hilarious to see her expression when she walked in. She thought she was going to dinner with just my parents and John and then she walked in and we were all there screaming, "surprise." Loved catching up with some cousins and friends there.
Every morning Asbel and I awoke early and would go sit on one of the swings and swing back and forth and listen to nature that was pure serenity while we sipped on Philz coffee. Dad usually came out there too and would chat for a little bit before he headed out with his dog on his long walk.
There really is so much more I could write but my fingers need a break....
I love my parents though, I have a deeper respect for them more than I ever have had. They are amazing to me.
Alright my fingers are tired:-) for all of those who requested a blog about our trip I hope you enjoy.
After we packed our luggage into the car rental we went and met my cousin Jeffrey Garner who pastors there in San Francisco.
We went to a little mexican restaurant that was delicio then we went and got Sierra some homemade Gelato ice cream at a Jewish center. Then us adults wanted some good coffee and Jeff took us to Philz coffee. What an experience! They ask what flavors you want, then they mix a variety of fresh coffees together. They then put in what appears to be a turkish type filter and pour hot water over it, then mix with the sweetner you requested and cream. It really was the best coffee Asbel and I have ever had. Asbel ended up buying some and taking it to my parents house where we enjoyed sipping it every morning...
Jeff took us down Lombard Street and Asbel and Sierra thought it was incredible. (Of course I was just happy to be in CA, where the breeze was nice and cool)The views of the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge were just beautiful too. He took us up to Telegraph hill, that was sooo gorgeous! Asbel and I would like to go back when we can take our time and enjoy the nature there.
Before we took off to head to Stockton we got into a conversation about giving, which is something God has been speaking to Asbel/I about. Jeff went on to tell us what they are doing there in San Fran. Every Friday evening they head out to feed the homeless and talk to them about Christ, then Sat night they go to the 600 plus homeless teenagers and do the same. You could hear the passion and burden in his voice, and I knew that Jeff was in the middle of his passion and purpose. What am I doing for Jesus? How am I affecting people around me?
We finally started heading towards Stockton, I was so excited to see my parents! While we were driving to that wonderful haven called, "The Haney Homestead" Asbel and I talked more about being a christian, and what is means to have a relationship with Christ. Basically what matters most in life. Jeff had indeed made an impact on our lives that day.
We finally arrived at our parents house! Yea
Their house is about a 1/2 mile off the road and the yard is like a park surrounded by trees, and flowers, and small swings. You could hear the birds chirping,it was pure nature away from the city life. We were in heaven.
Mother had made an Oatmeal cake topped with coconut frosting that they had when they were over in Scotland the week before preaching at a conference. So she made it for us and poured a tad bit of cream on each piece.Yes it was Phenom!
Saturday was the Haney party at my brother's house and the kids swam and we ate lots of good food. Mother made her famous French Apple pie, and gormet green beans. Sherrie made Homemade ice cream and a pasta salad. Nathaniel made tri-tip on the grill, it was made to perfection. Kim made this grape salad that was delicious. There was so much food, and then Aunt Shirly made choc dipped strawberries. Yes, we were stuffed. But it was so much fun talking and talking and talking...
Asbel told me later that while He, John and Than were talking that They began talking about relationship with Jesus. Than talked about feeding the spirit more than the flesh and that it is a daily battle. He said that Than began to cry talking about Jesus and His relationship with Him and that he himself got choked up while listening to him. He said that he had never met anyone quite like Than and was moved and touched by his realness and spirit.
Throughout the week, we had some amazing talks with my dad and mom. We talked about the elders, and the sacrifrices they made. They always came back to prayer/fasting/faith/trust, always! Asbel and I took in every word that they said to heart. Its like we couldn't wait to talk to them the next morning. We realized once again that these two people lived the life, didn't just live it in the limelight but it was a lifestyle for them. And you know not one time did they say a negative word about anyone....Just a reminder to me that I am responsible to keep my home "free of negativity" and to "filter" what comes in and out of our home. Dad said probably a kzillion times, "We just trust God." and mother said a zkillion times, "God is my doctor." and "pray it through." She reminded me that many people talk to people instead of God about their problems and then they wonder why nothing is being fixed. Her answer, "Well because they are not trusting God but putting their trust in people instead to fix their problem." I learned a lot during the short time we spent with them. I want to be a christian, not just with words but with my actions.
One night we were up extra late, it was past 11pm and we were talking about angels and Gods presence. Mother began telling a story about how she and dad were over in Europe and had lost their tickets. It was a while back and at that time you couldn't just get another ticket. So she and dad arrived at their hotel checked in and went up to their room and then they began to pray, they were desperate. She said that they then went back to the airport and she began to tell the agent the problem but before she could finish her sentence the agent stopped her. She had a strange look on her face and walked away but returned quickly with their two tickets. She said a man in a kaiki suit brought their tickets and told her that they would be coming for for them. (They were not at the original airport where they had lost the tickets, but at a different airport..They were at the Ory airport and had lost the tickets at the DeGaulle airport) mother said that when they got their tickets they went around the corner and she started dancing and jumping because she knew that God had sent an angel and answered their prayer. At the end of the story mother was crying and so was I. We all felt chills it was if we felt the angels in the room that night. They also told us stories about praying for food, and groceries appearing on their doorstep. They told about healings in people's lives because back then it wasn't common to go to the doctor so most people relied heavily on Jesus to be their Doctor and prayed. Dad and Mom were always bringing out interesting stories from the scriptures. One story they told us that got Asbel/my attention. In the book of Jonah God saw their works and changed his mind. What did they do? They prayed, fasted and turned from their sins. (Yes of course we have heard the story a kzillion times but how they brought it out. hmmmm) Mother also told a story about Asa. In II Chronicles 16 it talks about Asa in his young age trusted God for everything but in his old age did not trust God and instead trusted in his physicians. Just a lot of interesting conversations we had with mom and dad.
Since then Asbel and I have said that we are so blessed to have the parents we have. His parents have given just like my parents to God's kingdom, they just did it even when things got tough!
Sunday we went to CLC, and of course I loved the music because I love Laird Sillimon's style. I admit I love Gospel music, it was so good! The service was somewhat patriotic but the "altar call" as we call it really touched me. At the end there was no music playing at all and instead prayer broke out all over. They didn't need music to get them going, it was a moving moment. I remember those days when I was there and was happy to see that they still do happen. CLC was built on prayer/fasting/sacrifice and you still feel it when you are there.
Monday morning we let the kids go play in the water and then went with Sherrie to In and Out Burger where Asbel and Sierra experienced their first In and Out cheeseburger. (I cheated and had one too) Then Asbel requested mother make Coconut Cream pie, and that evening we went home and all enjoyed a piece of homemade pie. Then we went outside where dad was playing his guitar and he and mother began singing. It was so simple but yet you could feel Jesus and Asbel and I began to tear up.
We spent a lot of time with all of the family..We went to Monterey and took Dylan and Sierra with us. They had a blast! We ate at a restaurant that was on the wharf where lots of seals congregated so the kids were loving that. We also found a candy shop where they made peppermint patties that we wished later we would have bought a pound of. The caramel apple Asbel got was delicio. It had white chocolate and cinnamon on it too. We then drove to Carmel, and Asbel fell in love with it. He and I will definitely have to go back and have some one on one time there. It was so beautiful there.
I was able to spend some time with my sisters which was so nice and refreshing. We created some wonderful memories. Then I spent a few hours with a good childhood friend, Connie and we laughed alot and tried to solve the problems of the world.
Thursday us girls and mother went to Jackson for Liz's birthday. We piled in dad's big truck and took off and went shopping in the little town, and then we got homemade fudge. Asbel and Sierra went with dad to the mountains too. He took them to see papa/nanny Haneys grave and gave them the full history of our wonderful heritage. Asbel ended up taking some video of it, and Sierra took a lot of pictures.
Thursday night we went with Liz and John to dinner for Asbel's birthday. It was a little quaint restaurant in Lodi and then we went and bought some homemade pastries there on the street that is called, "Farmers Market." We then went to their house and made coffee and ate pastries and talked and talked till really late.
Friday morning mother made her famous homemade Cinnamon Rolls....Need I say more, again phenom!
Friday night was Liz's surprise 40th party at Dave Wongs, a really good restaurant in Stockton that is quite popular. She was so surprised, she really didn't know. It was hilarious to see her expression when she walked in. She thought she was going to dinner with just my parents and John and then she walked in and we were all there screaming, "surprise." Loved catching up with some cousins and friends there.
Every morning Asbel and I awoke early and would go sit on one of the swings and swing back and forth and listen to nature that was pure serenity while we sipped on Philz coffee. Dad usually came out there too and would chat for a little bit before he headed out with his dog on his long walk.
There really is so much more I could write but my fingers need a break....
I love my parents though, I have a deeper respect for them more than I ever have had. They are amazing to me.
Alright my fingers are tired:-) for all of those who requested a blog about our trip I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Who am I really following? part II
Where is my faith? Where is my trust? If America was suddenly taken over by a Government that said, "You will die if you continue to follow HIm." How would we react? Would we complain, would we waver, or would we stand strong for Him even if it meant our children would also die with us?
Thinking of those who have stayed true to who they are..who have influenced me to want to know God more in a "deep intimate way." One being GA Mangun, he fought in the front line..prayed desperately for revival and lived in the realm of faith. He and Vesta have been such phenom pillars but God decided to take another soldier home so GA is now in heaven enjoying his one on one time with the Lord.
JT Pugh was called home about 8 weeks ago, and Charles MaHaney was called home about 2 years ago. My aunt Priscilla not long ago too entered from this life to HIS life. My great grandparents were the first missionaries to Japan ever that is where my heritage began. They gave their up their comfort zone for HIM and went far away to another world so that they could take the gospel to a land where not many had ever heard of Jesus. So many have gone home who didn't waver but were sold out, anchored and knew what sacrifice was all about for it was a part of their everyday life. We all have those who are and have been in our lives who have influenced us to stay the course, to not give up no matter how difficult the challenges may be.
I look at my parents who have also given their lives for HIM and HIS Kingdom...I know it hasn't always been an easy path, but their faith and trust in HIM along with following HIS purpose and will have kept them strong and on the right path.
I received a text from mother this morning, they are leaving for Scotland to preach a conference but were in New York over the weekend speaking. Her text went something like this, "The entire service was in the Puerto Rican language but they interpreted for dad when he preached; Their worship humbled me and "I was in awe." She said. "They were such a beautiful, humble and sweet people; We were in a building above a Mcdonalds where the subway was above us so it was loud but we continued to worship. There was no air conditioning in the building and it was 90 degrees but it didnt stop the people from having church." She went on to tell me that she wept and was deeply humbled, moved and thankful. She is convinced that there are so many people in America who still need to know HIM.
I look at my parents and see two people who are and have been willing to walk through doors that HE opens whether it be 25 thousand people or 100 people that they just want to help others and do HIS will. Of course she and dad would probably not want me to post this about them for they always say, "Their reward is in heaven." I look at my parents and my husbands parents who have been following Him for so many years no matter how tough it gets they just keep going for they realized a long time ago that its "all" for Him. Asbel read Luke 6:36 this morning..The message goes like this..."There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular." Our elders knew this and lived by it!
I was and still am very moved, touched and determined to change my attitude to think more like the Roman Wrestlers, Manguns, Freemans, my parents, and husbands parents and so many others who weren't afraid to be different who held on even when the going got tough....Who are you really following today?
Thinking of those who have stayed true to who they are..who have influenced me to want to know God more in a "deep intimate way." One being GA Mangun, he fought in the front line..prayed desperately for revival and lived in the realm of faith. He and Vesta have been such phenom pillars but God decided to take another soldier home so GA is now in heaven enjoying his one on one time with the Lord.
JT Pugh was called home about 8 weeks ago, and Charles MaHaney was called home about 2 years ago. My aunt Priscilla not long ago too entered from this life to HIS life. My great grandparents were the first missionaries to Japan ever that is where my heritage began. They gave their up their comfort zone for HIM and went far away to another world so that they could take the gospel to a land where not many had ever heard of Jesus. So many have gone home who didn't waver but were sold out, anchored and knew what sacrifice was all about for it was a part of their everyday life. We all have those who are and have been in our lives who have influenced us to stay the course, to not give up no matter how difficult the challenges may be.
I look at my parents who have also given their lives for HIM and HIS Kingdom...I know it hasn't always been an easy path, but their faith and trust in HIM along with following HIS purpose and will have kept them strong and on the right path.
I received a text from mother this morning, they are leaving for Scotland to preach a conference but were in New York over the weekend speaking. Her text went something like this, "The entire service was in the Puerto Rican language but they interpreted for dad when he preached; Their worship humbled me and "I was in awe." She said. "They were such a beautiful, humble and sweet people; We were in a building above a Mcdonalds where the subway was above us so it was loud but we continued to worship. There was no air conditioning in the building and it was 90 degrees but it didnt stop the people from having church." She went on to tell me that she wept and was deeply humbled, moved and thankful. She is convinced that there are so many people in America who still need to know HIM.
I look at my parents and see two people who are and have been willing to walk through doors that HE opens whether it be 25 thousand people or 100 people that they just want to help others and do HIS will. Of course she and dad would probably not want me to post this about them for they always say, "Their reward is in heaven." I look at my parents and my husbands parents who have been following Him for so many years no matter how tough it gets they just keep going for they realized a long time ago that its "all" for Him. Asbel read Luke 6:36 this morning..The message goes like this..."There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular." Our elders knew this and lived by it!
I was and still am very moved, touched and determined to change my attitude to think more like the Roman Wrestlers, Manguns, Freemans, my parents, and husbands parents and so many others who weren't afraid to be different who held on even when the going got tough....Who are you really following today?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Who am I really following? part 1
This morning I read out of my mother's Devotional book, "Diamonds for Dusty roads." One of the stories in today's devotion totally got me and put a big lump in my throat and then the tears started coming.....
The following story goes like this:
One of the more heroic stories ever told about standing right was in the days of the Roman Emperor Nero. There lived and served him a band of soldiers known as the "Emperor's Wrestlers." Fine, stalwart men, picked from the best and the bravest of the land. In the great amphitheater they stood before each contest, before the emperor's throne and sang, "We the wrestlers, wrestling for thee, O Emperor, to win for thee the victory and from thee, the victor's crown." When the great Roman army was sent to fight in faraway Gaul, no soldiers were braver or more loyal than this band of wrestlers led by their centurion Vespasian. But news reached Nero that many Roman soldiers had accepted the christian faith. Therefore the decree was dispatched to the centurion Vespasian. "If there be any among your soldiers who cling to the faith of the Chrisitan, they must die!" The decree was received in the dead of winter. The soldiers were camped on the shore of a frozen lake. It was with sinking heart that Vespasian read the emperor's message. He called the soldiers together and asked the question, "Is there any among you who cling to the faith of the Christian? If so, let him step forward." Forty wrestlers instantly stepped forward two paces, respectfully saluted and stood at attention. Vespasian pleaded with them long and earnestly without prevailing upon a single man to deny his Lord. Finally he said, "The decree of the emperor must be obeyed, but I am not willing that your comrades should shed your blood. I am going to order that you march out upon the lake of ice and I shall leave you to the mercy of the elements. " The forty wrestlers were stipped and then, falling into columns of four, marched toward the center of the lake. As they marched, they broke into the chant of the arena, "Forty wrestlers, wrestling for Thee, O Christ, to win for thee the victory and from Thee, the victor's crown!" Through the long hours of the night Vespasian stood by his campfire and watched. As he waited through the long night, there came to him fainter and fainter the wrestler's song. As the morning drew near, one figure, overcome by exposure, crept quietly toward the fire; he had renounced his Lord. Faintly but clearly from the darkness came the song: "Thirty-nine wrestlers, wrestling for Thee, O Christ, to win for thee the victory and from Thee, the victor's crown!" Vespasian looked at the figure drawing close to the fire, then took off his helmet and clothing and sprang upon the ice, crying, "Forty wrestlers, wrestling for Thee, O Christ, to win for Thee, the victory and from Thee, the victor's crown."
Wow is right! They gave up their lives for HIM. And by their example their "Head Chief" gave up his life and followed their Lord because he was so moved by their faith and trust in their God, Jesus Christ!
The following story goes like this:
One of the more heroic stories ever told about standing right was in the days of the Roman Emperor Nero. There lived and served him a band of soldiers known as the "Emperor's Wrestlers." Fine, stalwart men, picked from the best and the bravest of the land. In the great amphitheater they stood before each contest, before the emperor's throne and sang, "We the wrestlers, wrestling for thee, O Emperor, to win for thee the victory and from thee, the victor's crown." When the great Roman army was sent to fight in faraway Gaul, no soldiers were braver or more loyal than this band of wrestlers led by their centurion Vespasian. But news reached Nero that many Roman soldiers had accepted the christian faith. Therefore the decree was dispatched to the centurion Vespasian. "If there be any among your soldiers who cling to the faith of the Chrisitan, they must die!" The decree was received in the dead of winter. The soldiers were camped on the shore of a frozen lake. It was with sinking heart that Vespasian read the emperor's message. He called the soldiers together and asked the question, "Is there any among you who cling to the faith of the Christian? If so, let him step forward." Forty wrestlers instantly stepped forward two paces, respectfully saluted and stood at attention. Vespasian pleaded with them long and earnestly without prevailing upon a single man to deny his Lord. Finally he said, "The decree of the emperor must be obeyed, but I am not willing that your comrades should shed your blood. I am going to order that you march out upon the lake of ice and I shall leave you to the mercy of the elements. " The forty wrestlers were stipped and then, falling into columns of four, marched toward the center of the lake. As they marched, they broke into the chant of the arena, "Forty wrestlers, wrestling for Thee, O Christ, to win for thee the victory and from Thee, the victor's crown!" Through the long hours of the night Vespasian stood by his campfire and watched. As he waited through the long night, there came to him fainter and fainter the wrestler's song. As the morning drew near, one figure, overcome by exposure, crept quietly toward the fire; he had renounced his Lord. Faintly but clearly from the darkness came the song: "Thirty-nine wrestlers, wrestling for Thee, O Christ, to win for thee the victory and from Thee, the victor's crown!" Vespasian looked at the figure drawing close to the fire, then took off his helmet and clothing and sprang upon the ice, crying, "Forty wrestlers, wrestling for Thee, O Christ, to win for Thee, the victory and from Thee, the victor's crown."
Wow is right! They gave up their lives for HIM. And by their example their "Head Chief" gave up his life and followed their Lord because he was so moved by their faith and trust in their God, Jesus Christ!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
No Problems, No Profit! (By Asbel Montes)
No Problems, No Profit!
What does that mean? If that statement is true, do we need to redesign our thinking on how we view problems?
How do you view problems that you encounter daily? Do you tend to get frustrated with your employees or yourself when problems occur? Do you immediately look for someone to blame?
Dr. Henry Cloud in the book Integrity makes the following statement regarding problems: “The individuals who succeed in life are the ones who realize that life is largely about solving problems. The ones who can get with that find much success, and the ones who can’t, don’t.”
So if life is largely about solving problems, as a leader are you equipping yourself daily with the resources to resolve these problems efficiently, expediently and effectively? Understanding that life is about problems is only the first step, a leader must equip themselves to deal with and resolve these problems. A person’s character will determine if they are successful or unsuccessful.
As a leader, if you are not constantly facing problems and providing resolutions your department or company is declining. Notice that you must provide resolutions to these problems if your department or business unit is to be successful and profitable. Merely facing and understanding a problem is not enough. A leader must provide resolutions and lead their staff. Each problem is viewed as an opportunity to make things better.
The next time you encounter a problem, take ownership of the results and do not try to excuse or blame someone else. Blame is the parking brake for improvement! – Dr. Henry Cloud
Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric from 1981 - 2001, sums it up best with regards to his view of problems and mistakes. He would listen to other people, obtain more data and figure it out. He stated that “it is not useful to beat other people up when they make mistakes. To the contrary that’s the time to coach, encourage them, and help them regain their confidence.”
(Asbel is Executive VP of Client Services for Acadian)
What does that mean? If that statement is true, do we need to redesign our thinking on how we view problems?
How do you view problems that you encounter daily? Do you tend to get frustrated with your employees or yourself when problems occur? Do you immediately look for someone to blame?
Dr. Henry Cloud in the book Integrity makes the following statement regarding problems: “The individuals who succeed in life are the ones who realize that life is largely about solving problems. The ones who can get with that find much success, and the ones who can’t, don’t.”
So if life is largely about solving problems, as a leader are you equipping yourself daily with the resources to resolve these problems efficiently, expediently and effectively? Understanding that life is about problems is only the first step, a leader must equip themselves to deal with and resolve these problems. A person’s character will determine if they are successful or unsuccessful.
As a leader, if you are not constantly facing problems and providing resolutions your department or company is declining. Notice that you must provide resolutions to these problems if your department or business unit is to be successful and profitable. Merely facing and understanding a problem is not enough. A leader must provide resolutions and lead their staff. Each problem is viewed as an opportunity to make things better.
The next time you encounter a problem, take ownership of the results and do not try to excuse or blame someone else. Blame is the parking brake for improvement! – Dr. Henry Cloud
Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric from 1981 - 2001, sums it up best with regards to his view of problems and mistakes. He would listen to other people, obtain more data and figure it out. He stated that “it is not useful to beat other people up when they make mistakes. To the contrary that’s the time to coach, encourage them, and help them regain their confidence.”
(Asbel is Executive VP of Client Services for Acadian)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Getting out of this FUNK...
Okay I admit to myself and to my readers that I have been in a funk the last few weeks. I pull myself out and then feel myself going back into it.
No, its not been a depression its been more of a "deep soul searching" type funk. Two weeks ago my aunt Priscilla passed on and is now up in heaven. Well, it really affected me more than I thought it would. She was a solid rock in my life and reminded me a lot of my mother where they both have always had a bulldog kind of faith. It was as if they were twins who were consumed with the word and prayer seemed to be their main focus. Oftentimes mother and aunt Priscilla would be on the phone and would usually end up speaking in tongues and having some God time. They had this special spiritual bond. When you were around Priscilla you felt the anointing all over her and God's spirit in a powerful way. She and I had been texting quite a bit the last few months before God decided to take her on home. I had fasted for her, and many mornings woke up and felt an immediate burden for her so I would intercede on her behalf. I distinctly remember one morning back in March I had felt such a heaviness in my spirit, and yes it was one of those mornings where I was laid out on the floor. I was so full of faith that I literally was waiting for my cell to ring and to be told that she had been completely healed. I even remember picking up my phone and looking at it, and saying "Ring please ring!" She was one of my spiritual projects, and I believed with all my heart that she was going to rise up and be a firecracker for Jesus!! But, it didn't happen...So yes I cried and cried and had a few moments where I could hardly catch my breath because the cries just kept coming. This went on for days off/on and at times got so bad that I even tried to hide it from my husband because I didn't know what was going on. It was as if I couldn't control the emotions inside that I was feeling. The grief along with the questions that were running through my mind. You know how people say, "sometimes you just have to fake it." Well for the last two weeks I have done just that, and have been going through the motions smiling when needed and looking the perfect part. Of course me being raised in a ministers home has helped me to master such an art.
I miss her chocolate chip cookies that she was known for that she made at Christmas. She also told us the "Rock story" that my siblings and cousins have been talking about. She held us spellbound at every Christmas when she told the story. Oh how I will miss her chuckle, and dramatic facial expressions..Oh and she loved chocolate too like me. Oh how I miss her presence, and her godly spirit.
The only comfort I get from all of this is knowing that she is smiling in heaven and doesn't have to deal with the hardships and storms in life anymore. She is totally free up there and now with both of my papa's and grandma's. If we really think about why we are here on earth in the first place then it all makes perfect sense. We will realize that really our goal is to make it to heaven. The pain we may endure is only for a moment when we compare it to eternity in heaven. If we are honest with ourselves and can actually unwrap our stubborn heads that tends to be wrapped tightly around "earthly things" then we can see that heaven is the ultimate goal in life.
My friend, Londa Lewis emailed me a thought-provoking email and one of the things that hit me in the face and caused me to chew on it a bit was the following statement. "It is our job while here on earth to "run the race with the torch held high." At the end of the race, there will be a prize. We do "what we do" on this earth because we want to spend eternity in heaven with our Father. We are aliens here."
It was exactly what I needed because even yesterday I was once again having a funk moment. She lost her husband 12 years ago so she has great insight to this funk zone I have been in. Also my sister-in-law Loida Howell texted me this. "The early Christians believed that struggle is normal, necessary & even healthy in the spiritual life...We therefore cannot escape struggle, nor should we try to embrace it as one aspect of our calling to discipleship. For the goal of life in this world is not ease, prosperity and success but intimacy with God, maturity of character and influence in the world." Wow, I received these 2 words in a 3 hour span. I was at work with the door shut to my office and tears started gushing down-I knew God was speaking to me!! It was exactly what I needed. For some time now I have felt Him calling me to go deeper in Him but fighting whether or not I can truly give up the "me" mentality. So in a 3 hour period I had a friend email and speak into my life and then my sister-in-law tell me exactly what I needed at that very moment. God knew right where I was.
So my friends that is where I've been...I think everyone grieves in their own way. Some bounce back quickly, some fake it for a while and some well it takes them a long while. But that's okay we are all human and are all different. I am so grateful that I have Jesus to lean on.
I also want to thank my friends who have been there for me texting, emailing and calling. As my friend Connie says, "Thanks for being a true Blue Friend." Then the many people who are acquaintances who have emailed me the sweetest emails and who have been concerned about my mother, uncle, cousins and the rest of the family. We all covet your prayers.
I know one day we will embrace her...see her face to face...
But as the song sings, "I believe your my healer." I still do believe HE can raise the dead, he can dry up cancer and cause it to disappear. That He can heal inwardly, heal your diabetes and supply the money for the mortgage on your home. Still I will trust Him.
No, its not been a depression its been more of a "deep soul searching" type funk. Two weeks ago my aunt Priscilla passed on and is now up in heaven. Well, it really affected me more than I thought it would. She was a solid rock in my life and reminded me a lot of my mother where they both have always had a bulldog kind of faith. It was as if they were twins who were consumed with the word and prayer seemed to be their main focus. Oftentimes mother and aunt Priscilla would be on the phone and would usually end up speaking in tongues and having some God time. They had this special spiritual bond. When you were around Priscilla you felt the anointing all over her and God's spirit in a powerful way. She and I had been texting quite a bit the last few months before God decided to take her on home. I had fasted for her, and many mornings woke up and felt an immediate burden for her so I would intercede on her behalf. I distinctly remember one morning back in March I had felt such a heaviness in my spirit, and yes it was one of those mornings where I was laid out on the floor. I was so full of faith that I literally was waiting for my cell to ring and to be told that she had been completely healed. I even remember picking up my phone and looking at it, and saying "Ring please ring!" She was one of my spiritual projects, and I believed with all my heart that she was going to rise up and be a firecracker for Jesus!! But, it didn't happen...So yes I cried and cried and had a few moments where I could hardly catch my breath because the cries just kept coming. This went on for days off/on and at times got so bad that I even tried to hide it from my husband because I didn't know what was going on. It was as if I couldn't control the emotions inside that I was feeling. The grief along with the questions that were running through my mind. You know how people say, "sometimes you just have to fake it." Well for the last two weeks I have done just that, and have been going through the motions smiling when needed and looking the perfect part. Of course me being raised in a ministers home has helped me to master such an art.
I miss her chocolate chip cookies that she was known for that she made at Christmas. She also told us the "Rock story" that my siblings and cousins have been talking about. She held us spellbound at every Christmas when she told the story. Oh how I will miss her chuckle, and dramatic facial expressions..Oh and she loved chocolate too like me. Oh how I miss her presence, and her godly spirit.
The only comfort I get from all of this is knowing that she is smiling in heaven and doesn't have to deal with the hardships and storms in life anymore. She is totally free up there and now with both of my papa's and grandma's. If we really think about why we are here on earth in the first place then it all makes perfect sense. We will realize that really our goal is to make it to heaven. The pain we may endure is only for a moment when we compare it to eternity in heaven. If we are honest with ourselves and can actually unwrap our stubborn heads that tends to be wrapped tightly around "earthly things" then we can see that heaven is the ultimate goal in life.
My friend, Londa Lewis emailed me a thought-provoking email and one of the things that hit me in the face and caused me to chew on it a bit was the following statement. "It is our job while here on earth to "run the race with the torch held high." At the end of the race, there will be a prize. We do "what we do" on this earth because we want to spend eternity in heaven with our Father. We are aliens here."
It was exactly what I needed because even yesterday I was once again having a funk moment. She lost her husband 12 years ago so she has great insight to this funk zone I have been in. Also my sister-in-law Loida Howell texted me this. "The early Christians believed that struggle is normal, necessary & even healthy in the spiritual life...We therefore cannot escape struggle, nor should we try to embrace it as one aspect of our calling to discipleship. For the goal of life in this world is not ease, prosperity and success but intimacy with God, maturity of character and influence in the world." Wow, I received these 2 words in a 3 hour span. I was at work with the door shut to my office and tears started gushing down-I knew God was speaking to me!! It was exactly what I needed. For some time now I have felt Him calling me to go deeper in Him but fighting whether or not I can truly give up the "me" mentality. So in a 3 hour period I had a friend email and speak into my life and then my sister-in-law tell me exactly what I needed at that very moment. God knew right where I was.
So my friends that is where I've been...I think everyone grieves in their own way. Some bounce back quickly, some fake it for a while and some well it takes them a long while. But that's okay we are all human and are all different. I am so grateful that I have Jesus to lean on.
I also want to thank my friends who have been there for me texting, emailing and calling. As my friend Connie says, "Thanks for being a true Blue Friend." Then the many people who are acquaintances who have emailed me the sweetest emails and who have been concerned about my mother, uncle, cousins and the rest of the family. We all covet your prayers.
I know one day we will embrace her...see her face to face...
But as the song sings, "I believe your my healer." I still do believe HE can raise the dead, he can dry up cancer and cause it to disappear. That He can heal inwardly, heal your diabetes and supply the money for the mortgage on your home. Still I will trust Him.
Monday, April 19, 2010
These few days with Dad and mother...
Mother says, "Honey, its freezing." Dad answers back. "Well, I'm hot and my nose feels stuffy." I then chime in, "I'm freezing too." But dad just had to keep it on 69 degrees so mother threw on her big black overcoat and I grabbed dad's sports jacket and she and I just snuggled deeper into the leather seats of the rental car.
This is my life with my parents for the next few days....
These few days have been incredible! I've picked their brains with questions I have had for some time. I've debated with them, goofed off, and then we have laughed and laughed until we had tears in our eyes. I've come to the conclusion that I am indeed a mixture of both of my parents. They both at times can be stubborn as a mule, and definitely opinionated when need be. They are also very sensitive to Gods spirit-several times while driving to our place of destination they would break out and start praying and I would hear them call out the names of people they were feeling a burden for-talk about a Tear Jerker experience! They are full of passion, vision and still are both dreaming big dreams. Dad I think has the brain of a 30 year old, some of the things he was telling me I was like, "Are you sure you are 72?" He still has his head in the clouds some would say, but I love it! He inspires me to fly high and not listen to negativity when it comes and perches itself upon my brain trying to get in and derail me and my mission. He has told me several times, "The battle is in the mind, if the enemy gets you there He's got you. That is why its important to guard what you allow to enter the mind." I don't see my dad sitting in a rocking chair rocking his life away for some time. My mother has been re-arranging their Stockton home working like a dog and has other things on her agenda. She is one who always has a few projects going on at 1 time. I'd say her Patent on life is, "You are what you feed your mind." "Your speech determines where you are headed." She and dad are always talking positive, and when the storms hit them they still see the rainbow even when it seems that they have been drenched in mud. It's a learned behavior because we are programmed to automatically focus on the negative. But we have had some great talks about health, blind faith, relationship with Jesus, and getting to that place where you are content but yet at the same time flying towards dreams and your purpose in life. (There really is too much information to type so I'm just typing out bits and pieces)
Mother made the best health friendly meals, one being veggie stir-fry with pasta and yes I gobbled up every bite. Then she made these amazing veggie tacos topped with sliced avacados which I posted on my recipe blog. I plan to make them at home for my luvie, so amazing! For dessert we had gluten free panacakes topped with peanut butter and homemade strawberry jelly, pure maple syrup with coffee and herbal tea. I also made the Delicio Salsa that I posted on my blog that my friend Deidre shared with me. My parents have been eating it non-stop with their blue flax seed tortilla chips. Luvie also made his famous guacamole and broiled tuna toasties and it was phenom!
Back to my stories....We went to a fairly large health food store and well, when you are with my parents, you might as well be carrying a calculator because they are calculating every penny that goes into that basket. Then I wanted a small bottled water for the rest of the trip but they had to remind me that a gallon of water was less than a dollar and a 16 ozer was $1.29 so I'd be saving a lot of money.(yes we bought gallons instead) Another way of saving money was the store had a members club where you would get anywhere from 10 to 20% off of food. So my mother went to the Customer Service desk and was signing up and then the lady said, "That will be $12.00 but when you turn 65 yrs it will only be $5.00." My mother said Oh, I am 65 and the lady didn't believe her and said, "I need to see your license." (She was taken in just as everyone else is by my mothers beautiful, healthy glowing skin)
So we get back on the freeway again and this time mothers driving and I'm in the shotgun seat while dad sits in the back because he said he wanted to relax. But he didnt seem to relax for too long because soon we were hearing,"Honey go straight, honey watch that car, honey are you sure your supposed to turn off there." By the 3rd or 4 time of hearing, "Honey" Mother and I busted out laughing we could not stop and then dad started laughing. It was so funny because dad was totally trying to tell my mother how to drive. And well, if you know my mother she has a mind of her own:-)
Well another incident I observed was...My mother and I went to the Library and when we went to check out, the lady at the front desk was a total snob to us. I mean she was so demeaning and snippity. Of course sweet little me wanted to snap right back and tell her to quit being a wretched witch. But I refrained and just stood there and instead watched my mother kill this lady's sour attitude with kindness. I watched mother stand there and give the lady her undivided attention and they began discussing the things in life. Wait! Did I see the lady smile? I did. OMW, she is chuckling now! My mother somehow got inside of the grouchy lady(hag:-). And do you know by the time we were ready to go that she was all smiles and going out of her way asking if there was anything else she could help us with. I was truly amazed. Once again I watched a classy lady (my mother)see through the eyes of Jesus instead of her own eyes. She told me later that she too was miffed at the ladies hateful attitude but that such a big wave of compassion came over her for that lady. Wow is right! I so need to see more through the eyes of HIM! Have I let myself become so modernized and perhaps have even allowed some of the methods and attitudes in the Christian Community to distort my view on humanity? I'm not talking about helping the homeless, abused, and the other things that seem to be the hype and "in thing" to do. (of course its all limelight stuff so people gravitate to it) Don't shoot me down....(These are all incredible things we need to be doing) But I just wonder if we didn't get recognition for doing these things and we weren't able to brag about ourselves for doing such great things would we still do them? I had a "moment" this past week to where I was one of those "out of control" females. Yeah me crying profusely and not from depression but from Jesus dealing with me about "My motives" and "My dreams/passions." Seeing through HIS eyes even when no one is looking. I watch my parents live a life that is the same when in a crowd and when alone with just a few of us. To be kind even to those who hurt you. "Oh God" I even prayed later that night, "Please let me see through your eyes and not be so self-absorbed and make it just about me." Needless to say as much fun as I have had with them I have been humbled, thankful and challenged to go beyond the norm yet again. These two people know what its like to fight the good fight. They know what its like to be at the top (in people's eyes) but yet they know what its like to feel pain, and to bleed but at the same time stay the course and hold on to the Only One who can get them through and give them inner peace that so many people are craving to have right now at this moment. I struggle inwardly at times, I'm so full of myself. Why? I ask myself. "Do I struggle with material things? and "Why do I allow myself at times to become immune and feel the need to fit in with the crowds who reason away why God didn't do this and that? Who analyze JESUS way too much so then nothing can happen because after all we are much smarter than Him aren't we? We know more than He does right? Of course I'm being fecicious.
People see my parents....They see all they have done and yes they are two incredible people. But yet, it did not come without a price. While on the way home after leaving them Asbel and I discussed the challenges we are facing and even amongst our peers. A very self-absorbed era we live in indeed for its all about "ME"...I raise my hand to say, "Yes me guilty too." We want the "Glamour" without the price.
Can my generation and the generation behind me still pay the price or should I say stay in the heat of the battle? When someone hurts us do we whine? Do we fight back or do we pray and give it to God? When we are at the bottom do we call 5 of our friends first before we take it to Jesus? We say we want to go to heaven, then shouldn't we put Him first in everything? Why do some compromise and make up excuses as to why prayer, fasting, filtering what goes in/out of the mind, and faith isn't necessary anymore?
I'm sure everyone has an opinion as to why. I really dont care about the thousands of reasons as to why anymore. I am preaching to myself...I say I long to go deeper in HIM but do I really?
For me I have determined in my heart that I will fight to keep these important methods that some deem as "old-fashion" and "things of the past" a part of my lifestyle. Will it be challenging and difficult? I'm sure it will be. Look around us, we are bombarded with new age christianity...Hello!
This is my life with my parents for the next few days....
These few days have been incredible! I've picked their brains with questions I have had for some time. I've debated with them, goofed off, and then we have laughed and laughed until we had tears in our eyes. I've come to the conclusion that I am indeed a mixture of both of my parents. They both at times can be stubborn as a mule, and definitely opinionated when need be. They are also very sensitive to Gods spirit-several times while driving to our place of destination they would break out and start praying and I would hear them call out the names of people they were feeling a burden for-talk about a Tear Jerker experience! They are full of passion, vision and still are both dreaming big dreams. Dad I think has the brain of a 30 year old, some of the things he was telling me I was like, "Are you sure you are 72?" He still has his head in the clouds some would say, but I love it! He inspires me to fly high and not listen to negativity when it comes and perches itself upon my brain trying to get in and derail me and my mission. He has told me several times, "The battle is in the mind, if the enemy gets you there He's got you. That is why its important to guard what you allow to enter the mind." I don't see my dad sitting in a rocking chair rocking his life away for some time. My mother has been re-arranging their Stockton home working like a dog and has other things on her agenda. She is one who always has a few projects going on at 1 time. I'd say her Patent on life is, "You are what you feed your mind." "Your speech determines where you are headed." She and dad are always talking positive, and when the storms hit them they still see the rainbow even when it seems that they have been drenched in mud. It's a learned behavior because we are programmed to automatically focus on the negative. But we have had some great talks about health, blind faith, relationship with Jesus, and getting to that place where you are content but yet at the same time flying towards dreams and your purpose in life. (There really is too much information to type so I'm just typing out bits and pieces)
Mother made the best health friendly meals, one being veggie stir-fry with pasta and yes I gobbled up every bite. Then she made these amazing veggie tacos topped with sliced avacados which I posted on my recipe blog. I plan to make them at home for my luvie, so amazing! For dessert we had gluten free panacakes topped with peanut butter and homemade strawberry jelly, pure maple syrup with coffee and herbal tea. I also made the Delicio Salsa that I posted on my blog that my friend Deidre shared with me. My parents have been eating it non-stop with their blue flax seed tortilla chips. Luvie also made his famous guacamole and broiled tuna toasties and it was phenom!
Back to my stories....We went to a fairly large health food store and well, when you are with my parents, you might as well be carrying a calculator because they are calculating every penny that goes into that basket. Then I wanted a small bottled water for the rest of the trip but they had to remind me that a gallon of water was less than a dollar and a 16 ozer was $1.29 so I'd be saving a lot of money.(yes we bought gallons instead) Another way of saving money was the store had a members club where you would get anywhere from 10 to 20% off of food. So my mother went to the Customer Service desk and was signing up and then the lady said, "That will be $12.00 but when you turn 65 yrs it will only be $5.00." My mother said Oh, I am 65 and the lady didn't believe her and said, "I need to see your license." (She was taken in just as everyone else is by my mothers beautiful, healthy glowing skin)
So we get back on the freeway again and this time mothers driving and I'm in the shotgun seat while dad sits in the back because he said he wanted to relax. But he didnt seem to relax for too long because soon we were hearing,"Honey go straight, honey watch that car, honey are you sure your supposed to turn off there." By the 3rd or 4 time of hearing, "Honey" Mother and I busted out laughing we could not stop and then dad started laughing. It was so funny because dad was totally trying to tell my mother how to drive. And well, if you know my mother she has a mind of her own:-)
Well another incident I observed was...My mother and I went to the Library and when we went to check out, the lady at the front desk was a total snob to us. I mean she was so demeaning and snippity. Of course sweet little me wanted to snap right back and tell her to quit being a wretched witch. But I refrained and just stood there and instead watched my mother kill this lady's sour attitude with kindness. I watched mother stand there and give the lady her undivided attention and they began discussing the things in life. Wait! Did I see the lady smile? I did. OMW, she is chuckling now! My mother somehow got inside of the grouchy lady(hag:-). And do you know by the time we were ready to go that she was all smiles and going out of her way asking if there was anything else she could help us with. I was truly amazed. Once again I watched a classy lady (my mother)see through the eyes of Jesus instead of her own eyes. She told me later that she too was miffed at the ladies hateful attitude but that such a big wave of compassion came over her for that lady. Wow is right! I so need to see more through the eyes of HIM! Have I let myself become so modernized and perhaps have even allowed some of the methods and attitudes in the Christian Community to distort my view on humanity? I'm not talking about helping the homeless, abused, and the other things that seem to be the hype and "in thing" to do. (of course its all limelight stuff so people gravitate to it) Don't shoot me down....(These are all incredible things we need to be doing) But I just wonder if we didn't get recognition for doing these things and we weren't able to brag about ourselves for doing such great things would we still do them? I had a "moment" this past week to where I was one of those "out of control" females. Yeah me crying profusely and not from depression but from Jesus dealing with me about "My motives" and "My dreams/passions." Seeing through HIS eyes even when no one is looking. I watch my parents live a life that is the same when in a crowd and when alone with just a few of us. To be kind even to those who hurt you. "Oh God" I even prayed later that night, "Please let me see through your eyes and not be so self-absorbed and make it just about me." Needless to say as much fun as I have had with them I have been humbled, thankful and challenged to go beyond the norm yet again. These two people know what its like to fight the good fight. They know what its like to be at the top (in people's eyes) but yet they know what its like to feel pain, and to bleed but at the same time stay the course and hold on to the Only One who can get them through and give them inner peace that so many people are craving to have right now at this moment. I struggle inwardly at times, I'm so full of myself. Why? I ask myself. "Do I struggle with material things? and "Why do I allow myself at times to become immune and feel the need to fit in with the crowds who reason away why God didn't do this and that? Who analyze JESUS way too much so then nothing can happen because after all we are much smarter than Him aren't we? We know more than He does right? Of course I'm being fecicious.
People see my parents....They see all they have done and yes they are two incredible people. But yet, it did not come without a price. While on the way home after leaving them Asbel and I discussed the challenges we are facing and even amongst our peers. A very self-absorbed era we live in indeed for its all about "ME"...I raise my hand to say, "Yes me guilty too." We want the "Glamour" without the price.
Can my generation and the generation behind me still pay the price or should I say stay in the heat of the battle? When someone hurts us do we whine? Do we fight back or do we pray and give it to God? When we are at the bottom do we call 5 of our friends first before we take it to Jesus? We say we want to go to heaven, then shouldn't we put Him first in everything? Why do some compromise and make up excuses as to why prayer, fasting, filtering what goes in/out of the mind, and faith isn't necessary anymore?
I'm sure everyone has an opinion as to why. I really dont care about the thousands of reasons as to why anymore. I am preaching to myself...I say I long to go deeper in HIM but do I really?
For me I have determined in my heart that I will fight to keep these important methods that some deem as "old-fashion" and "things of the past" a part of my lifestyle. Will it be challenging and difficult? I'm sure it will be. Look around us, we are bombarded with new age christianity...Hello!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
This morning I sat myself on the floor near the couch as I often do and pulled out Mothers prescription book called, "Diamonds for Dusty Roads." I began to read the medicine she prescribed for April 15th and it hit me in the face and tears became my friend during that sweet moment. It went something like this. "Now therefore give me this mountain" Joshua 14:12 She goes on to talk about dreams and not letting them die. Oh how I needed that today. Noone can stop you from dreaming unless you allow them to.
Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we are in a spiritual warfare. Sometimes you do have to war in the spirit on behalf of your dreams. The roadblocks in your life that come and try to derail you can include (people, things, unhealthy environments and so on) About a month ago, I was so heavy in my spirit, and it wasnt one of those that lasted just a few hours. But it lasted for days. I frequently found myself on the floor in our closet. I had to shut out everything and focus (My husband knows when I'm in there with the door shut that I am usually praying/interceding)I would like to take a moment and give honor to my mother who by example taught me how to pray and have a relationship with Him. She still often tells me that more people need to learn to zip their lips and harness their tongue and pour more of themselves out to Jesus.(I'm so still learning)
I am in the midst of reading (2) great books. Sometimes I almost have to put down one book and go to the other because they are so in sync. They are so on the same level and they challenge my human side and motivate me to jump across the bridge into Positve Bliss. Cindy Trimm, "Commanding your Morning." and then Joy Haney, "Power of Speaking Positive."
Cindy says, "Every battle is won or lost in the arena of your mind."
Joy says, "Noone can ride the racing horse of passion and tumultuous thoughts that rear and buck within you. You are the only person to hold the reigns and the bridle of your tongue."
Cindy says, "Do not be a victim. Call the shots and change your destiny."
Joy says, "Speak before a victory, David spoke before the victory." (I Samual 17:37)
Life is already hard, our minds are a battlefield, and our words are an extension of who we are. The choice is ours! We will either feed our faith or confirm our fears!
Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we are in a spiritual warfare. Sometimes you do have to war in the spirit on behalf of your dreams. The roadblocks in your life that come and try to derail you can include (people, things, unhealthy environments and so on) About a month ago, I was so heavy in my spirit, and it wasnt one of those that lasted just a few hours. But it lasted for days. I frequently found myself on the floor in our closet. I had to shut out everything and focus (My husband knows when I'm in there with the door shut that I am usually praying/interceding)I would like to take a moment and give honor to my mother who by example taught me how to pray and have a relationship with Him. She still often tells me that more people need to learn to zip their lips and harness their tongue and pour more of themselves out to Jesus.(I'm so still learning)
I am in the midst of reading (2) great books. Sometimes I almost have to put down one book and go to the other because they are so in sync. They are so on the same level and they challenge my human side and motivate me to jump across the bridge into Positve Bliss. Cindy Trimm, "Commanding your Morning." and then Joy Haney, "Power of Speaking Positive."
Cindy says, "Every battle is won or lost in the arena of your mind."
Joy says, "Noone can ride the racing horse of passion and tumultuous thoughts that rear and buck within you. You are the only person to hold the reigns and the bridle of your tongue."
Cindy says, "Do not be a victim. Call the shots and change your destiny."
Joy says, "Speak before a victory, David spoke before the victory." (I Samual 17:37)
Life is already hard, our minds are a battlefield, and our words are an extension of who we are. The choice is ours! We will either feed our faith or confirm our fears!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Masking the inside (Part I)
For centuries in various cultures people have worn masks for different functions and purposes. It can be used to change one's identity, transform oneself into a new character, and for protection. So you see we have become quite acclimated to the mask system and may I point out that its not often you hear somebody speaking out against it. You know why? Because we love the concept of "wearing a mask." I mean how cool is it that we can actually pretend, and go into our own fantasy world and hide what is going on inside. So why would we want to take off the mask and actually live in the real world that is oftentimes painful and difficult to face.
I think it's fair to say that we all put a mask on at times, it's just easier. Who really wants to clean out their inward closet, it takes honesty and looking in the mirror at ourselves to realize things are not as they seem.
So, the question for all of us would be, "How big are our closets?" If I were to walk into your house (inwardly speaking) would you have a walk-in closet full of different masks, or do you just have two or three masks that hang neatly on the coat rack in the hallway? Some have been wearing a variety of different masks for so long that they have fooled even themselves into believing that their "false" reality is the "real" reality. And some have overwhelmingly fooled even the society that they are in close proximity with that they are this perfect person.
(3 examples of professional mask wearers)
1) They blame everyone else for the way they are and have chosen to wear the "victim" mask to the point that it's become who they are, always the victim. It seems to work for them since they have learned to manipulate those around them. They watch as their friends and loved ones jump hoops for them and now cater to them to a fault! It's now at the point where it's no longer about helping them but instead they enable the manipulative person who wears the "victim" mask.
2) What about the person in a relationship who is hiding the hell that is going on at home. The abuse and the sticky web that their spouse has them in has messed with their mind so much that they are now in a tug-a-war struggling with suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem and at the same time longing to fly free. The love they once had has now turned to hatred and anger. Now that mask I can relate to having been there in the past.
3) The minister's wife looks the part...She looks concerned-then smiles and gently tells the person who just rambled for an hour to her about their problems that they are going to be just fine. But at the same time she is asking herself, "Am I going to make it?" Can I get through another day?" Maybe its for different reasons-she feels vulnerable, in a rut, or maybe her husband is married to his ministry and has no time for her. But then maybe she is tired of living everyone else's dream and wants to pursue her own. She feels stuck, dead inside but yet she has become so good with masking the frustration and anger inside that nobody has a clue that this wonderful lady is about to croak and call it quits.
So, you are saying that you have never been like the (3) examples that I have mentioned? Well unfortunately and sadly I must confess that I have been at least one of them...So maybe that is why I'm writing about it because I have experienced it first-hand.
Have you ever been hurt? Has someone talked about you and tried to assissinate your character? Are you estranged from your parents, child or someone you love? Are you divorced and don't know where you fit in? You long to be loved but opening your heart again to someone else scares you to death. Were you abused when you were a child but yet you still have never faced it head-on and sought counseling/help? Have you forgiven those who have hurt you? Do you still blame God for the pain in your past? Are you in a difficult situation that is tearing you apart? Do you feel dead inside but smile on the outside? Are you tired of always pretending? Okay so I could keep going on and on with this...I think anybody reading this can relate to one of these if not you will one day, since we live in this world called, "Life."
If you said yes to one of the questions above then I think its pretty fair to say that you most likely are wearing a mask to cover up what your face is revealing. moment. I'm not saying to let it all hang out and tell the whole world but you do need to face it at some point in your life and quit procrastinating. First off, God is the coolest one to talk to about it. I mean I have poured my heart out to Him, cried buckets of tears and then have sat quietly meditating on His word. Secondly, Counseling helps to fix what is going on inside, and as I've heard my husband say many times, "Counseling helps bring the scum up to the top and then Jesus takes it all away." Surround yourself with someone/s who can be trusted, can give sound advice and who will listen instead of doing all of the talking. Also beware of friends who think that they are the ruler over your life and act as your guru. Being in that situation for too long is not healthy. There is a difference with giving sound advice and then someone making your every move as if you are one of their pieces in their game of chess. So not cool!
Trust me I know all about wearing the different masks. I may have to revisit my past, and pull out the chest that is buried in the cellar. Then pick out one of the books, wipe off the dust and read you some of the paragraphs that are in the chapters called, "my past."
I think it's fair to say that we all put a mask on at times, it's just easier. Who really wants to clean out their inward closet, it takes honesty and looking in the mirror at ourselves to realize things are not as they seem.
So, the question for all of us would be, "How big are our closets?" If I were to walk into your house (inwardly speaking) would you have a walk-in closet full of different masks, or do you just have two or three masks that hang neatly on the coat rack in the hallway? Some have been wearing a variety of different masks for so long that they have fooled even themselves into believing that their "false" reality is the "real" reality. And some have overwhelmingly fooled even the society that they are in close proximity with that they are this perfect person.
(3 examples of professional mask wearers)
1) They blame everyone else for the way they are and have chosen to wear the "victim" mask to the point that it's become who they are, always the victim. It seems to work for them since they have learned to manipulate those around them. They watch as their friends and loved ones jump hoops for them and now cater to them to a fault! It's now at the point where it's no longer about helping them but instead they enable the manipulative person who wears the "victim" mask.
2) What about the person in a relationship who is hiding the hell that is going on at home. The abuse and the sticky web that their spouse has them in has messed with their mind so much that they are now in a tug-a-war struggling with suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem and at the same time longing to fly free. The love they once had has now turned to hatred and anger. Now that mask I can relate to having been there in the past.
3) The minister's wife looks the part...She looks concerned-then smiles and gently tells the person who just rambled for an hour to her about their problems that they are going to be just fine. But at the same time she is asking herself, "Am I going to make it?" Can I get through another day?" Maybe its for different reasons-she feels vulnerable, in a rut, or maybe her husband is married to his ministry and has no time for her. But then maybe she is tired of living everyone else's dream and wants to pursue her own. She feels stuck, dead inside but yet she has become so good with masking the frustration and anger inside that nobody has a clue that this wonderful lady is about to croak and call it quits.
So, you are saying that you have never been like the (3) examples that I have mentioned? Well unfortunately and sadly I must confess that I have been at least one of them...So maybe that is why I'm writing about it because I have experienced it first-hand.
Have you ever been hurt? Has someone talked about you and tried to assissinate your character? Are you estranged from your parents, child or someone you love? Are you divorced and don't know where you fit in? You long to be loved but opening your heart again to someone else scares you to death. Were you abused when you were a child but yet you still have never faced it head-on and sought counseling/help? Have you forgiven those who have hurt you? Do you still blame God for the pain in your past? Are you in a difficult situation that is tearing you apart? Do you feel dead inside but smile on the outside? Are you tired of always pretending? Okay so I could keep going on and on with this...I think anybody reading this can relate to one of these if not you will one day, since we live in this world called, "Life."
If you said yes to one of the questions above then I think its pretty fair to say that you most likely are wearing a mask to cover up what your face is revealing. moment. I'm not saying to let it all hang out and tell the whole world but you do need to face it at some point in your life and quit procrastinating. First off, God is the coolest one to talk to about it. I mean I have poured my heart out to Him, cried buckets of tears and then have sat quietly meditating on His word. Secondly, Counseling helps to fix what is going on inside, and as I've heard my husband say many times, "Counseling helps bring the scum up to the top and then Jesus takes it all away." Surround yourself with someone/s who can be trusted, can give sound advice and who will listen instead of doing all of the talking. Also beware of friends who think that they are the ruler over your life and act as your guru. Being in that situation for too long is not healthy. There is a difference with giving sound advice and then someone making your every move as if you are one of their pieces in their game of chess. So not cool!
Trust me I know all about wearing the different masks. I may have to revisit my past, and pull out the chest that is buried in the cellar. Then pick out one of the books, wipe off the dust and read you some of the paragraphs that are in the chapters called, "my past."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Love to cook and sharing...
I love to cook! I am one that doesn't follow recipes too well though, I usually add in my own touch:-)
This past Friday night I made a special dinner for my luvie. It was an amazing italianish dish...lightly sauteed the chicken in some olive oil, I then added in some garlic, basil and onion and let it cook for a bit.(I also seasoned with an herb mixture, pepper, and salt) Once everything was cooked pretty well I added in a good amount of tomato sauce to give it a nice creamy texture. I do tend to always add some spice to my foods so I threw in a dash of Red chili pepper flakes. (not too much just enough to give it a kick) Then boiled some whole wheat pasta, once cooked I drained and tossed in a tad bit of olive oil and then poured "Stephenie's creativity" over the pasta. (sprinkle some freshly grated Parm chz on top) I then broiled some garlic bread that had just a smudge of butter on it and then an amazing salad. Asbel ate it up in a timely manner, it was delish!
Last night I lightly sauteed a chicken breast in olive oil and cut up small chunks of garlic (we tend to put garlic in everything) since we are both huge garlic lovers. I then added to the mix some garlic powder, herbs and black pepper. I always add just a pinch of salt since Asbel is a huge "salt" lover. Once the chicken was cooked fairly well, I poured my worcestershire sauce mix into the pan and simmered on low for just a few minutes. Now on to the salad-it was incredible! I added some plum tomatoes and sliced them onto the organic baby lettuce, then cut up some red onion. I then sliced up avacados and mixed everything in together. The dressing goes something like this. Blend either in a blender or in a food processor. 1-2 cloves of garlic all depending on how much garlic you can handle. Then add in as much olive oil as you want to your liking and same goes for the Balsamic vinegar. Then squeeze 1/2 a lemon in there, then add some Greek seasonings in there and blend really well. Phenom is all I can say. Asbel licked the plate clean:-)
Today I tried my friend Deidre Cravy's Salsa recipe, absolutely amazing! I chowed down on it but it was "very" spicy and that is because I added fresh jalapenos instead of canned. Well, somehow the seeds slipped in the batch and boy was my mouth on fire and no not from Asbel's kisses but from the kisses of a jalapeno. But I ate almost all of it. I'm going to make it again and will be more careful with the jalapenos because Asbel doesn't like his mouth burning like I do:-) I like it hot and spicy, I take after my daddy who loves it when his nose is running from it being so spicy. And of course being a CA native has made me sometimes think I am half mexicano. I'll let you know how the next salsa mix turns out. Thx Deidre for sharing.
Last night I made these amazing strawberry/coconut bars too and just posted it on my stephrecipe blog.
I will work on posting the other recipes on my recipe blog but the problem is I don't always measure so I'll do my best to give some clear direction with each recipe.
This past Friday night I made a special dinner for my luvie. It was an amazing italianish dish...lightly sauteed the chicken in some olive oil, I then added in some garlic, basil and onion and let it cook for a bit.(I also seasoned with an herb mixture, pepper, and salt) Once everything was cooked pretty well I added in a good amount of tomato sauce to give it a nice creamy texture. I do tend to always add some spice to my foods so I threw in a dash of Red chili pepper flakes. (not too much just enough to give it a kick) Then boiled some whole wheat pasta, once cooked I drained and tossed in a tad bit of olive oil and then poured "Stephenie's creativity" over the pasta. (sprinkle some freshly grated Parm chz on top) I then broiled some garlic bread that had just a smudge of butter on it and then an amazing salad. Asbel ate it up in a timely manner, it was delish!
Last night I lightly sauteed a chicken breast in olive oil and cut up small chunks of garlic (we tend to put garlic in everything) since we are both huge garlic lovers. I then added to the mix some garlic powder, herbs and black pepper. I always add just a pinch of salt since Asbel is a huge "salt" lover. Once the chicken was cooked fairly well, I poured my worcestershire sauce mix into the pan and simmered on low for just a few minutes. Now on to the salad-it was incredible! I added some plum tomatoes and sliced them onto the organic baby lettuce, then cut up some red onion. I then sliced up avacados and mixed everything in together. The dressing goes something like this. Blend either in a blender or in a food processor. 1-2 cloves of garlic all depending on how much garlic you can handle. Then add in as much olive oil as you want to your liking and same goes for the Balsamic vinegar. Then squeeze 1/2 a lemon in there, then add some Greek seasonings in there and blend really well. Phenom is all I can say. Asbel licked the plate clean:-)
Today I tried my friend Deidre Cravy's Salsa recipe, absolutely amazing! I chowed down on it but it was "very" spicy and that is because I added fresh jalapenos instead of canned. Well, somehow the seeds slipped in the batch and boy was my mouth on fire and no not from Asbel's kisses but from the kisses of a jalapeno. But I ate almost all of it. I'm going to make it again and will be more careful with the jalapenos because Asbel doesn't like his mouth burning like I do:-) I like it hot and spicy, I take after my daddy who loves it when his nose is running from it being so spicy. And of course being a CA native has made me sometimes think I am half mexicano. I'll let you know how the next salsa mix turns out. Thx Deidre for sharing.
Last night I made these amazing strawberry/coconut bars too and just posted it on my stephrecipe blog.
I will work on posting the other recipes on my recipe blog but the problem is I don't always measure so I'll do my best to give some clear direction with each recipe.
Also have had several requests to blog about health tips-that is something I will work on. It is another passion of mine too and I can probably get my mother to give some insight on it too.
To view recipes go to my complete profile then to blogs and its under stephsrecipes.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Where is HE on the diagram called, "Life?"
The alarm goes off on my blackberry and I hit the snooze button. I then hear my husband's iPhone alarm going off and he too hits the snooze button. We just want to stay in bed and continue sleeping, I mean why would we want to get up. Sound familiar?
Finally I make myself get up, my eyes focus on the time, it's 5:45am. Urg, I'm 15 minutes behind schedule. I throw my workout clothes on and take off to work it out.
I rush back to the Apartment, jump in the shower, begin getting dressed. I then kiss my luvie goodbye and usually admire his attire since he is always looks amazing. He then rushes off to work. I then take a deep breath and say, "Okay God I know I have to slow down and say hi, and thank You for another day." And you know often tears will well up in my eyes and trickle down my face as the realization hits me that I am blessed. Today I can walk, talk, think straight, move my hands, comb my hair and get dressed with no assistance. But have I allowed these blessings to become so monotonous that I actually forget who gave them all to me? "Oh God forgive me." I say. " Without You I cannot do another day, I need You."So I pray for a bit and then read one of my mother's devotional books and then study my bible. I begin to read some scriptures and then lose concentration after realizing that I have to be at work in 30 minutes.
I throw on my clothes, toss my hair back/forth, and usually do my health regimen while grabbing a yogurt. By then I am running out the door and rushing to work. Does this sound familiar? We all have different things pulling at us. There is always going to be something that will distract us from Him. Its just the way it is..Life it seems almost has hidden traps to try and derail us away from what our purpose really should be.
Me so guilty!
For some time now, He has tugged at my heart about my 1 on 1 time with Him.If I was to do a survey and ask where your bible is right now what would be your answer? Underneath your 5 best reads, in storage, on the shelf collecting dust? Or is it close enough to you for you to grab when desperation hits and/or are you one that can get lost in those wonderful stories, prophecies and reading about who He is?
Why are we so prone to giving to material things when in reality it only brings temporary gratification? But reading His word,and having a relationship with Him is going to last for ever and ever. Why is that so hard to grasp? Because often if you are like me, you too sometimes struggle to be consistent with HIM.
I am a very disciplined person most of the time, I tend to take after my parents in that field.(my husband can vouch for me) So Jesus is very much a part of my agenda. But and a big But I am constantly being pulled by tangible things, everyday situations, and the biggest pull comes from this world we call, "life."...So I have to stay on top of it and oftentimes I find myself longing to just get off alone with Him so I can take the blinders off of my eyes-totally refocus-then I actually can see through His eyes and everything is much clearer.
We have no problem watching our favorite TV shows, eating, working out, talking on the phone for hours, texting non-stop, emailing, surfing internet, tweeter, FB, shopping for hours, and pleasing "us." maybe even working on the job as if we cant get enough and the list never stops does it? Or perhaps you are heavily involved in a organic, traditional, progressive and whatever else kind of church is out there in this era...You are so involved and you can dance circles around the average person on the street when it comes to church stuff/your kingdom/your ministry. But do you really know Him? Hows that 1 on 1 time going with Him? Just something that has been on my mind a lot!
So ask yourself these questions as I have asked myself. Where is HE on my diagram? Where is He on my agenda? Where is HE in my life? Where is HE in my thoughts? Where is He when I make decisions? Does He know that I value Him above everything else or does He feel that I have put Him in a box? Do I only on special occasions take Him out and say, "Hey God, I need you, I have a problem can you fix it?" He is more than that, deserves to be at the top of our daily "To do" list.
Finally I make myself get up, my eyes focus on the time, it's 5:45am. Urg, I'm 15 minutes behind schedule. I throw my workout clothes on and take off to work it out.
I rush back to the Apartment, jump in the shower, begin getting dressed. I then kiss my luvie goodbye and usually admire his attire since he is always looks amazing. He then rushes off to work. I then take a deep breath and say, "Okay God I know I have to slow down and say hi, and thank You for another day." And you know often tears will well up in my eyes and trickle down my face as the realization hits me that I am blessed. Today I can walk, talk, think straight, move my hands, comb my hair and get dressed with no assistance. But have I allowed these blessings to become so monotonous that I actually forget who gave them all to me? "Oh God forgive me." I say. " Without You I cannot do another day, I need You."So I pray for a bit and then read one of my mother's devotional books and then study my bible. I begin to read some scriptures and then lose concentration after realizing that I have to be at work in 30 minutes.
I throw on my clothes, toss my hair back/forth, and usually do my health regimen while grabbing a yogurt. By then I am running out the door and rushing to work. Does this sound familiar? We all have different things pulling at us. There is always going to be something that will distract us from Him. Its just the way it is..Life it seems almost has hidden traps to try and derail us away from what our purpose really should be.
Me so guilty!
For some time now, He has tugged at my heart about my 1 on 1 time with Him.If I was to do a survey and ask where your bible is right now what would be your answer? Underneath your 5 best reads, in storage, on the shelf collecting dust? Or is it close enough to you for you to grab when desperation hits and/or are you one that can get lost in those wonderful stories, prophecies and reading about who He is?
Why are we so prone to giving to material things when in reality it only brings temporary gratification? But reading His word,and having a relationship with Him is going to last for ever and ever. Why is that so hard to grasp? Because often if you are like me, you too sometimes struggle to be consistent with HIM.
I am a very disciplined person most of the time, I tend to take after my parents in that field.(my husband can vouch for me) So Jesus is very much a part of my agenda. But and a big But I am constantly being pulled by tangible things, everyday situations, and the biggest pull comes from this world we call, "life."...So I have to stay on top of it and oftentimes I find myself longing to just get off alone with Him so I can take the blinders off of my eyes-totally refocus-then I actually can see through His eyes and everything is much clearer.
We have no problem watching our favorite TV shows, eating, working out, talking on the phone for hours, texting non-stop, emailing, surfing internet, tweeter, FB, shopping for hours, and pleasing "us." maybe even working on the job as if we cant get enough and the list never stops does it? Or perhaps you are heavily involved in a organic, traditional, progressive and whatever else kind of church is out there in this era...You are so involved and you can dance circles around the average person on the street when it comes to church stuff/your kingdom/your ministry. But do you really know Him? Hows that 1 on 1 time going with Him? Just something that has been on my mind a lot!
So ask yourself these questions as I have asked myself. Where is HE on my diagram? Where is He on my agenda? Where is HE in my life? Where is HE in my thoughts? Where is He when I make decisions? Does He know that I value Him above everything else or does He feel that I have put Him in a box? Do I only on special occasions take Him out and say, "Hey God, I need you, I have a problem can you fix it?" He is more than that, deserves to be at the top of our daily "To do" list.
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