Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Journey.....

Today someone committed suicide.
Today someone brought a newborn into this life.
Today someone got bitter over a situation that involves family, church or business.
Today someone forgave, turned the other cheek and moved on.
Today someone filed for divorce.
Today someone was married.
Today someone is in need of food but there is none and their body is in starvation mode .
Today in America we have so many food options that we complain when we don't get what we want.
Today a child with Leukemia is lying in a cancer ward wishing they could go outside and play.
Today a child is complaining that they have nothing to do and are bored.
Today someone was let go from their job and are now concerned as to how they are going to provide for their family.
Today someone got a promotion at their job and they are ecstatic about the future
Today someone was told they have cancer and that there is nothing more that the doctor can do.
Today someone was healed completely of cancer and they have tears of joy.
Today someone bought a beautiful new home.
Today someone lost their home.
Today someone was called, "Beautiful."
Today someone was called, "ugly."
Today someone experienced physical abuse but justified their partners actions.
Today someone broke free from the mental and emotional connection they had with their abuser.
Today someone was told, "I hate you."
Today someone was told, "I love you."
Today someone is depressed because all they see are the thorns.
Today someone is thankful for life and sees the roses in spite of the thorns.
Today someone hoarded their blessings and is too selfish to give.
Today someone gave out of their sacrifice and not just their abundence.
Today someone took a risk and is flying high
Today someone let fear get in the way of a great opportunity
Today someone leaned on "Jesus."
Today someone leaned on "self."

"Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way-now lost and confused, now checked in a blind alley. But always God will open a door for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us." By Joy Haney

It's tough isn't it sometimes? We look at our lives and many of us have gone through a lot or are still going through something that seems horrific and we just want it to end like now! Perhaps the storm just passed over and you are finally breathing a sigh of relief as you clutch the bible to your chest for you have learned to lean on Him having gone through one of the most difficult times in your life.

Regardless what you are going through remember that someone else is going through something just as difficult and perhaps even through something worse.

There is a purpose for your life no matter where you are in it.

Try to see the lemonade being made with the lemons.
Try to see the roses that are attached to the thorns.
Try to see the door that is being opened no matter how slow the process seems to be

I have asked myself, "What can I learn from this?" and "What is God trying to show me and/or teach me?" I remember when I went through a really difficult time in my life about 8 yrs ago and someone told me that God was trying to show me something through it. I about bit their head off and wanted to tell them where to go if you know what I mean. I was angry didn't understand and yes I did ask why. But now I am at a place where relationship with Him has taken over difficulties that I have experienced and will continue to experience in the future.

Life is hard I know. Some things I do not understand. Some people I do not understand. Sometimes I just want to shake someone and say, "Suck it up" or "Go get good bible-based counseling and fix yourself." or "Why you always complaining, can't you see how blessed you really are?" I mean I have to talk to myself too sometimes and tell my brain to shut up and ask God to take control over my thoughts. Honey child it's a mind thing and if you do not get control over it-it will control you. What is the "it" in your life that is controlling you? (okay I could start preaching on this "it" thing but do not want to get too far away from my original thought) But sometimes I too just want to jump in and fix it immediately but learning to let God step in and fix me, the other party and the situation. Regardless I am blessed even if I am going through what I would deem as "horrific" and "terrible."

I have HIM to lean on...

Don't forget someone right now is on their death bed wanting to be able to run outside and enjoy life. Get out and make your life happen while you still have breath in your body. You can make it happen, its up to you!

Monday, July 12, 2010

CA Trip (grab a cup of tea/coffee and go on this journey with me)

We arrived Friday July 2nd and the first thing we noticed was that we could breathe and that there was no humidity whatsoever. I immediately knew I was Home..The weather was simply divine, we loved it from the time we arrived to the time we left that is for sure.

After we packed our luggage into the car rental we went and met my cousin Jeffrey Garner who pastors there in San Francisco.
We went to a little mexican restaurant that was delicio then we went and got Sierra some homemade Gelato ice cream at a Jewish center. Then us adults wanted some good coffee and Jeff took us to Philz coffee. What an experience! They ask what flavors you want, then they mix a variety of fresh coffees together. They then put in what appears to be a turkish type filter and pour hot water over it, then mix with the sweetner you requested and cream. It really was the best coffee Asbel and I have ever had. Asbel ended up buying some and taking it to my parents house where we enjoyed sipping it every morning...
Jeff took us down Lombard Street and Asbel and Sierra thought it was incredible. (Of course I was just happy to be in CA, where the breeze was nice and cool)The views of the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge were just beautiful too. He took us up to Telegraph hill, that was sooo gorgeous! Asbel and I would like to go back when we can take our time and enjoy the nature there.
Before we took off to head to Stockton we got into a conversation about giving, which is something God has been speaking to Asbel/I about. Jeff went on to tell us what they are doing there in San Fran. Every Friday evening they head out to feed the homeless and talk to them about Christ, then Sat night they go to the 600 plus homeless teenagers and do the same. You could hear the passion and burden in his voice, and I knew that Jeff was in the middle of his passion and purpose. What am I doing for Jesus? How am I affecting people around me?

We finally started heading towards Stockton, I was so excited to see my parents! While we were driving to that wonderful haven called, "The Haney Homestead" Asbel and I talked more about being a christian, and what is means to have a relationship with Christ. Basically what matters most in life. Jeff had indeed made an impact on our lives that day.

We finally arrived at our parents house! Yea

Their house is about a 1/2 mile off the road and the yard is like a park surrounded by trees, and flowers, and small swings. You could hear the birds chirping,it was pure nature away from the city life. We were in heaven.
Mother had made an Oatmeal cake topped with coconut frosting that they had when they were over in Scotland the week before preaching at a conference. So she made it for us and poured a tad bit of cream on each piece.Yes it was Phenom!

Saturday was the Haney party at my brother's house and the kids swam and we ate lots of good food. Mother made her famous French Apple pie, and gormet green beans. Sherrie made Homemade ice cream and a pasta salad. Nathaniel made tri-tip on the grill, it was made to perfection. Kim made this grape salad that was delicious. There was so much food, and then Aunt Shirly made choc dipped strawberries. Yes, we were stuffed. But it was so much fun talking and talking and talking...

Asbel told me later that while He, John and Than were talking that They began talking about relationship with Jesus. Than talked about feeding the spirit more than the flesh and that it is a daily battle. He said that Than began to cry talking about Jesus and His relationship with Him and that he himself got choked up while listening to him. He said that he had never met anyone quite like Than and was moved and touched by his realness and spirit.

Throughout the week, we had some amazing talks with my dad and mom. We talked about the elders, and the sacrifrices they made. They always came back to prayer/fasting/faith/trust, always! Asbel and I took in every word that they said to heart. Its like we couldn't wait to talk to them the next morning. We realized once again that these two people lived the life, didn't just live it in the limelight but it was a lifestyle for them. And you know not one time did they say a negative word about anyone....Just a reminder to me that I am responsible to keep my home "free of negativity" and to "filter" what comes in and out of our home. Dad said probably a kzillion times, "We just trust God." and mother said a zkillion times, "God is my doctor." and "pray it through." She reminded me that many people talk to people instead of God about their problems and then they wonder why nothing is being fixed. Her answer, "Well because they are not trusting God but putting their trust in people instead to fix their problem." I learned a lot during the short time we spent with them. I want to be a christian, not just with words but with my actions.

One night we were up extra late, it was past 11pm and we were talking about angels and Gods presence. Mother began telling a story about how she and dad were over in Europe and had lost their tickets. It was a while back and at that time you couldn't just get another ticket. So she and dad arrived at their hotel checked in and went up to their room and then they began to pray, they were desperate. She said that they then went back to the airport and she began to tell the agent the problem but before she could finish her sentence the agent stopped her. She had a strange look on her face and walked away but returned quickly with their two tickets. She said a man in a kaiki suit brought their tickets and told her that they would be coming for for them. (They were not at the original airport where they had lost the tickets, but at a different airport..They were at the Ory airport and had lost the tickets at the DeGaulle airport) mother said that when they got their tickets they went around the corner and she started dancing and jumping because she knew that God had sent an angel and answered their prayer. At the end of the story mother was crying and so was I. We all felt chills it was if we felt the angels in the room that night. They also told us stories about praying for food, and groceries appearing on their doorstep. They told about healings in people's lives because back then it wasn't common to go to the doctor so most people relied heavily on Jesus to be their Doctor and prayed. Dad and Mom were always bringing out interesting stories from the scriptures. One story they told us that got Asbel/my attention. In the book of Jonah God saw their works and changed his mind. What did they do? They prayed, fasted and turned from their sins. (Yes of course we have heard the story a kzillion times but how they brought it out. hmmmm) Mother also told a story about Asa. In II Chronicles 16 it talks about Asa in his young age trusted God for everything but in his old age did not trust God and instead trusted in his physicians. Just a lot of interesting conversations we had with mom and dad.

Since then Asbel and I have said that we are so blessed to have the parents we have. His parents have given just like my parents to God's kingdom, they just did it even when things got tough!

Sunday we went to CLC, and of course I loved the music because I love Laird Sillimon's style. I admit I love Gospel music, it was so good! The service was somewhat patriotic but the "altar call" as we call it really touched me. At the end there was no music playing at all and instead prayer broke out all over. They didn't need music to get them going, it was a moving moment. I remember those days when I was there and was happy to see that they still do happen. CLC was built on prayer/fasting/sacrifice and you still feel it when you are there.

Monday morning we let the kids go play in the water and then went with Sherrie to In and Out Burger where Asbel and Sierra experienced their first In and Out cheeseburger. (I cheated and had one too) Then Asbel requested mother make Coconut Cream pie, and that evening we went home and all enjoyed a piece of homemade pie. Then we went outside where dad was playing his guitar and he and mother began singing. It was so simple but yet you could feel Jesus and Asbel and I began to tear up.

We spent a lot of time with all of the family..We went to Monterey and took Dylan and Sierra with us. They had a blast! We ate at a restaurant that was on the wharf where lots of seals congregated so the kids were loving that. We also found a candy shop where they made peppermint patties that we wished later we would have bought a pound of. The caramel apple Asbel got was delicio. It had white chocolate and cinnamon on it too. We then drove to Carmel, and Asbel fell in love with it. He and I will definitely have to go back and have some one on one time there. It was so beautiful there.

I was able to spend some time with my sisters which was so nice and refreshing. We created some wonderful memories. Then I spent a few hours with a good childhood friend, Connie and we laughed alot and tried to solve the problems of the world.

Thursday us girls and mother went to Jackson for Liz's birthday. We piled in dad's big truck and took off and went shopping in the little town, and then we got homemade fudge. Asbel and Sierra went with dad to the mountains too. He took them to see papa/nanny Haneys grave and gave them the full history of our wonderful heritage. Asbel ended up taking some video of it, and Sierra took a lot of pictures.

Thursday night we went with Liz and John to dinner for Asbel's birthday. It was a little quaint restaurant in Lodi and then we went and bought some homemade pastries there on the street that is called, "Farmers Market." We then went to their house and made coffee and ate pastries and talked and talked till really late.

Friday morning mother made her famous homemade Cinnamon Rolls....Need I say more, again phenom!

Friday night was Liz's surprise 40th party at Dave Wongs, a really good restaurant in Stockton that is quite popular. She was so surprised, she really didn't know. It was hilarious to see her expression when she walked in. She thought she was going to dinner with just my parents and John and then she walked in and we were all there screaming, "surprise." Loved catching up with some cousins and friends there.

Every morning Asbel and I awoke early and would go sit on one of the swings and swing back and forth and listen to nature that was pure serenity while we sipped on Philz coffee. Dad usually came out there too and would chat for a little bit before he headed out with his dog on his long walk.

There really is so much more I could write but my fingers need a break....

I love my parents though, I have a deeper respect for them more than I ever have had. They are amazing to me.

Alright my fingers are tired:-) for all of those who requested a blog about our trip I hope you enjoy.