Saturday, June 5, 2010

No Problems, No Profit! (By Asbel Montes)

No Problems, No Profit!

What does that mean? If that statement is true, do we need to redesign our thinking on how we view problems?

How do you view problems that you encounter daily? Do you tend to get frustrated with your employees or yourself when problems occur? Do you immediately look for someone to blame?

Dr. Henry Cloud in the book Integrity makes the following statement regarding problems: “The individuals who succeed in life are the ones who realize that life is largely about solving problems. The ones who can get with that find much success, and the ones who can’t, don’t.”

So if life is largely about solving problems, as a leader are you equipping yourself daily with the resources to resolve these problems efficiently, expediently and effectively? Understanding that life is about problems is only the first step, a leader must equip themselves to deal with and resolve these problems. A person’s character will determine if they are successful or unsuccessful.

As a leader, if you are not constantly facing problems and providing resolutions your department or company is declining. Notice that you must provide resolutions to these problems if your department or business unit is to be successful and profitable. Merely facing and understanding a problem is not enough. A leader must provide resolutions and lead their staff. Each problem is viewed as an opportunity to make things better.

The next time you encounter a problem, take ownership of the results and do not try to excuse or blame someone else. Blame is the parking brake for improvement! – Dr. Henry Cloud

Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric from 1981 - 2001, sums it up best with regards to his view of problems and mistakes. He would listen to other people, obtain more data and figure it out. He stated that “it is not useful to beat other people up when they make mistakes. To the contrary that’s the time to coach, encourage them, and help them regain their confidence.”

(Asbel is Executive VP of Client Services for Acadian)

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