Thursday, April 15, 2010

This morning I sat myself on the floor near the couch as I often do and pulled out Mothers prescription book called, "Diamonds for Dusty Roads." I began to read the medicine she prescribed for April 15th and it hit me in the face and tears became my friend during that sweet moment. It went something like this. "Now therefore give me this mountain" Joshua 14:12 She goes on to talk about dreams and not letting them die. Oh how I needed that today. Noone can stop you from dreaming unless you allow them to.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we are in a spiritual warfare. Sometimes you do have to war in the spirit on behalf of your dreams. The roadblocks in your life that come and try to derail you can include (people, things, unhealthy environments and so on) About a month ago, I was so heavy in my spirit, and it wasnt one of those that lasted just a few hours. But it lasted for days. I frequently found myself on the floor in our closet. I had to shut out everything and focus (My husband knows when I'm in there with the door shut that I am usually praying/interceding)I would like to take a moment and give honor to my mother who by example taught me how to pray and have a relationship with Him. She still often tells me that more people need to learn to zip their lips and harness their tongue and pour more of themselves out to Jesus.(I'm so still learning)

I am in the midst of reading (2) great books. Sometimes I almost have to put down one book and go to the other because they are so in sync. They are so on the same level and they challenge my human side and motivate me to jump across the bridge into Positve Bliss. Cindy Trimm, "Commanding your Morning." and then Joy Haney, "Power of Speaking Positive."

Cindy says, "Every battle is won or lost in the arena of your mind."
Joy says, "Noone can ride the racing horse of passion and tumultuous thoughts that rear and buck within you. You are the only person to hold the reigns and the bridle of your tongue."
Cindy says, "Do not be a victim. Call the shots and change your destiny."
Joy says, "Speak before a victory, David spoke before the victory." (I Samual 17:37)

Life is already hard, our minds are a battlefield, and our words are an extension of who we are. The choice is ours! We will either feed our faith or confirm our fears!

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