Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Where is HE on the diagram called, "Life?"

The alarm goes off on my blackberry and I hit the snooze button. I then hear my husband's iPhone alarm going off and he too hits the snooze button. We just want to stay in bed and continue sleeping, I mean why would we want to get up. Sound familiar?
Finally I make myself get up, my eyes focus on the time, it's 5:45am. Urg, I'm 15 minutes behind schedule. I throw my workout clothes on and take off to work it out.

I rush back to the Apartment, jump in the shower, begin getting dressed. I then kiss my luvie goodbye and usually admire his attire since he is always looks amazing. He then rushes off to work. I then take a deep breath and say, "Okay God I know I have to slow down and say hi, and thank You for another day." And you know often tears will well up in my eyes and trickle down my face as the realization hits me that I am blessed. Today I can walk, talk, think straight, move my hands, comb my hair and get dressed with no assistance. But have I allowed these blessings to become so monotonous that I actually forget who gave them all to me? "Oh God forgive me." I say. " Without You I cannot do another day, I need You."So I pray for a bit and then read one of my mother's devotional books and then study my bible. I begin to read some scriptures and then lose concentration after realizing that I have to be at work in 30 minutes.

I throw on my clothes, toss my hair back/forth, and usually do my health regimen while grabbing a yogurt. By then I am running out the door and rushing to work. Does this sound familiar? We all have different things pulling at us. There is always going to be something that will distract us from Him. Its just the way it is..Life it seems almost has hidden traps to try and derail us away from what our purpose really should be.

Me so guilty!

For some time now, He has tugged at my heart about my 1 on 1 time with Him.If I was to do a survey and ask where your bible is right now what would be your answer? Underneath your 5 best reads, in storage, on the shelf collecting dust? Or is it close enough to you for you to grab when desperation hits and/or are you one that can get lost in those wonderful stories, prophecies and reading about who He is?

Why are we so prone to giving to material things when in reality it only brings temporary gratification? But reading His word,and having a relationship with Him is going to last for ever and ever. Why is that so hard to grasp? Because often if you are like me, you too sometimes struggle to be consistent with HIM.

I am a very disciplined person most of the time, I tend to take after my parents in that field.(my husband can vouch for me) So Jesus is very much a part of my agenda. But and a big But I am constantly being pulled by tangible things, everyday situations, and the biggest pull comes from this world we call, "life."...So I have to stay on top of it and oftentimes I find myself longing to just get off alone with Him so I can take the blinders off of my eyes-totally refocus-then I actually can see through His eyes and everything is much clearer.

We have no problem watching our favorite TV shows, eating, working out, talking on the phone for hours, texting non-stop, emailing, surfing internet, tweeter, FB, shopping for hours, and pleasing "us." maybe even working on the job as if we cant get enough and the list never stops does it? Or perhaps you are heavily involved in a organic, traditional, progressive and whatever else kind of church is out there in this era...You are so involved and you can dance circles around the average person on the street when it comes to church stuff/your kingdom/your ministry. But do you really know Him? Hows that 1 on 1 time going with Him? Just something that has been on my mind a lot!

So ask yourself these questions as I have asked myself. Where is HE on my diagram? Where is He on my agenda? Where is HE in my life? Where is HE in my thoughts? Where is He when I make decisions? Does He know that I value Him above everything else or does He feel that I have put Him in a box? Do I only on special occasions take Him out and say, "Hey God, I need you, I have a problem can you fix it?" He is more than that, deserves to be at the top of our daily "To do" list.


  1. Excellent Stephani and exactly right. He must be at the top of our List and always remain there. Good thought provoking start. Keep it up because we need it!

  2. I think a relationship is a relationship. Both the consistent discipline of meeting with God regularly AND those spontaneous moments you describe as you awakened are important elements. Just as you describe your relationship with your husband in your profile, I believe God wants that with US - a running dialogue of communication, awareness of His presence, sharing those moments of "life" that interfere. I see this "discipline" more as a sharing and less of a duty.

  3. Steph...you hit the nail on the head for sure. I have been feeling this a lot lately. Life has gotten almost too busy. What happened to the slower pace where it was so much easier to have prayer time. Now it is more important than any other to prioritize and 'schedule' time with Him and that takes discipline for sure! We need to get back to being a PRAYING/STUDYING people! Thank you! And...I look forward to more blogs from you! Love ya!

  4. I'm SO very thankful that His grace extends to me even when I am inconsistant and fool hardy with my time.

    So glad you're blogging - sure to be a great read!

